The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Natural produce is always in demand

- Mangistau Region
11722 просмотров

Businesswomen of Mangistau focus on the production of environmentally friendly products

This was discussed at a meeting of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region with participation of the Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova.

The head of the local Council of Businesswomen of the Regional Chamber  of Entrepreneurs Saule Salikhova identified five main areas of activity.

"This animal husbandry, i.e. collection of camel and sheep wool, manufacture of dairy products (shubat, kymyz, іrіmshіk, balkaymak), breeding of quail and ostrich. Light industry - wool processing, production of wool blankets, clothing of economy class. Training centers for children and adults – increase of the number of kindergartens in the district centers, educational centers for children with disabilities, professional training courses for adult women (sewing, confectionery business, felting, carpet). Development of roadside service along the Republican route Aktau-Atyrau and local roads with the development of a single concept - a complex of motel, cafe, gas stations, service centers and shops. And another important area - the development of ethno - and eco-tourism, that is establishment of ethnic villages with sale of natural products of local food production".

According to Saule Salikhova, the Council has considered the applications from entrepreneurs for micro-loans, totaling about 60 million tenge, the work in this direction continues.

Chairwoman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE Lazzat Ramazanova has put forward the idea of ​​creation of an image of Kazakhstan as a country that produces organic food supply and suggested businesswoman of Mangystau to use this opportunity in the region.

"In Russia, the United Arab Emirates and China, Kazakhstan is already associated with organic food. The price of gas in Mangistau is the lowest that gives the opportunity to develop greenhouses. You have 40% of camels in Kazakhstan, then you need to make shubat, қurt, іrіmshіk and balkaymak, processed wool. After all, these are eco products, which are in great demand in the global market ", - said Lazzat Ramazanova.

In her opinion, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis to determine precisely those products which can be called "eco". She also stressed that it is necessary to begin with own market before going out to foreign markets, as today 70% of food products are imported.

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